
MaryofTeckwasQueenoftheUnitedKingdomandtheBritishDominions,andEmpressofIndia,from6May1910until20January1936asthewifeof ...,QueenMaryUniversityofLondonisanestablisheduniversityinLondon'svibrantEastEndcommittedtohigh-qualityteachingandresearch;offeringboth ...,倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院(QueenMary,UniversityofLondon)是國際知名倫敦大學旗下四所大的學院之一。瑪麗女王學院始建於1887年,1915年加入倫敦大學,...

Mary of Teck

Mary of Teck was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, from 6 May 1910 until 20 January 1936 as the wife of ...

Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London is an established university in London's vibrant East End committed to high-quality teaching and research; offering both ...

Queen Mary, University of London 倫敦瑪麗王后大學

倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院(Queen Mary, University of London) 是國際知名倫敦大學旗下四所大的學院之一。瑪麗女王學院始建於1887年,1915年加入倫敦大學,成為倫敦大學旗下“四 ...

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Queen Mary University of London (commonly shortened to Queen Mary) is one of the leading institutions in the world for further education.


倫敦瑪麗皇后大學(Queen Mary University of London)是英國倫敦大學系統的下屬學院,得名於喬治五世的王后特克的瑪麗。它由最早附屬於人民宮的東倫敦技術學院發展 ...


